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eir standard homophobic response, but why not just address their main points now and ourselves the time later)The party 'in need of a major makeover'There8217s quite a bit to chew on in the new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, but of particular interest was the gap between the parties on the major issues of the day.
down 7 points, 48% to 41%. Kuster/Bass, this race is also a rematch. In 2010, SheaPorter was the incumbent and Guinta the challenger, he came to office as part of the tea party wave of Republican victories.The latest New England College poll doesn8217t give specifics about the House races, butdoes mention a gend
ambition don8217t belong to only one person in a relationship, but should be d.Betty Friedan put a name on the myths that swirled around women in the 1960s and before. She debunked the assumption that women should be fulfilled their husband8217sachievements or that they were crazy for seeking validation outside t
e made over the weekend at a Republican event suggests a different reason for pushing the legislation.Turzai told the audience, ��We are focused on making sure that we meet our obligations that we8217ve talked about for years. ProSecond Amendment The Castle Doctrine, it8217s done. First prolife legislation,abortio
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